Journey To Baby Calloway
Journey To Baby Calloway
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Christina Calloway is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi, my name is Christina, my husband and I have been together for almost 10 years now. Extending our family has looked a lot different than what we had hoped for. After experiencing several pregnancy losses including both of my Fallopian tubes, we were advised that our only option to conceive naturally would be through IVF.
We embarked on our IVF journey early Jan 2021, had a successful first round.  (As far as the egg retrieval goes) However, we experienced two failed embryo transfers without any explanation, which completely tore us apart. After a long-awaited break from infertility treatment, we want to jump back into making this baby and bringing it earth side.
This is where we’re hoping you’ll come in. We live in a state that covers absolutely nothing fertility related, aside from family planning. One Frozen Embryo transfer will cost us approximately $6,000 alone and this does not include medication or monitoring. Or any pre HSG or saline sonograms prior to jumping into transfer. If we can raise the full amount, we may be able to have some of our already frozen embryos PGT tested.
After paying completely out of pocked for our last cycle we know how expensive it is, and we would like to avoid going into debt or taking out a loan. We really need your help to help our dream of becoming parents come true, any dollar will help. Thank you for your time.
Name | Donation | Date |
Anonymous | $5.00 | June 09, 2022 |
Christina Screven | $50.00 | May 31, 2022 |
Sharlene Calloway | $100.00 | May 14, 2022 |
Christopher Atkins | $200.00 | May 11, 2022 |
Omar Soto | $50.00 | May 11, 2022 |

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Christina Calloway is organizing this fundraiser.